Sunday, 24 July 2011
”Kua hinga he tōtara nui o te waonui a Tane.”
A great totara tree has fallen.
The whakatauki is explained by Matthew Gifford nō Ngāti Kahungunu, Tūhoe me Kuki Airani.
In Te Ahi Kaa this week, we celebrate the life of Ngāti Pōrou te reo Māori advocate Dame Katerina Te Heikoko Mataira (1932 – 2011) who died on the 16th July, 2011 aged 78. Through a series of Radio New Zealand archival recordings we present a taste of what was an extensive career and an achievement-laden life.
Maraea Rakuraku is with 28th Māori Battalion veteran Arthur Midwood fresh from his return from the Battle for Crete commemorations in Greece. He shares his story of survival in war.
Arthur Midwood with, clockwise right to left, Selena Bellingham Finn Boonan Luke Bellingham Talei Boonan and Mark Boonan June Rotorua Museum.
Brother and sister Arapeta and Taria Tahana have a few ideas in the pipeline to ensure involvement of rangatahi in decision-making by their Te Arawa iwi. They talk with Justine Murray about their plans.
Taria Tahana, Tomairangi Mcrae, Rahera Bidois, Sonny Bishop and Arapeta Tahana at the offices of Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa.
Waiata featured:
Whakarongo performed by Katerina Mataira and friends at the Māori Language awards at Te Rauparaha Arena, Porirua, Wellington on 16th October 2009.