Sunday, 17 June 2012
"Matariki Ahunga nui"
Matariki provider of plentiful food
This week’s whakatāuki is explained by Rosemary Rangitauira nō Ngāti Manawa
The past month has been frantic for Whangarei-based artist Andrea Hopkins pulling together an exhibition featuring a who’s who of wahine Māori artists in Aotearoa. She talks with Maraea Rakuraku about the concept behind He iti, He pounamu.
The hype of the Transit of Venus has wound down, but the events surrounding it continue. The exhibition Te Ara Kōpū: The Transit of Venus offers a history of the event from the arrival of Captain Cook in 1769, to the impact upon Te Aitanga a Hauiti at Uawa, Tolaga Bay. On the day of the Transit, Our Changing World producer, Veronika Meduna spoke with local Victor Walker who outlined the five sections of the exhibition.
Dame June Mariu has worked in many facets of the Māori community including education, sport and the welfare of Māori. From 1987 – 1990 she was the president of the Māori Women’s Welfare League. In an archival recording from 1988, veteran broadcaster Henare Te Ua presents Dame June and highlights of the leagues’ 36th annual conference, Nelson.
There’s a real community vibe at the Matariki celebrations at Waiwhetu Marae, Lower Hutt. Justine Murray checks out the action.
Matariki celebrations at Waiwhetu, Lower Hutt.