Sunday, 1 July 2012
Whakamutunga ki tenei mahi te patu tangata
Kia mau ki te rongopai ki te kupu a te Atua
Ko te ora mo koutou ki tera Ao
I muri i au kei tangia oku uri ki te moko
The pathway from now on is to cease the practice of slaying man and hold fast to the word of God
This week’s whakatāuki is explained by Manos Nathan nō Te Roroa.
Te Ahi Kaa pays tribute to the 28th Māori Battalion and their latest fallen comrades, William Pitman (1921- 2012 ) and Major Hone John Hikitia Te Rangi Waititi (1921-2012 ) with recordings from the 28th Māori Battalion Reunion hosted by Tuwharetoa in Taupo, 2010. Waititi recounts to Maraea Rakuraku his schooling at Te Aute Māori Boys College and (MAC) the mormon Māori Agricultural College, farming at Raukokore and his enlistment in the 28th Māori Battalion.
In 1980 the Nathan whānau decided to purchase a Catholic church in Te Kopuru and re-site it in Waipoua some 60 kilometres away, where it was repurposed into a whare that comprises Matatina Marae. Brothers, Alex and Manos Nathan accompany Maraea Rakuraku to their marae.
Waiata featured:
Recordings from the 28th Māori Battalion Hui, Taupo 2010 featuring Haare Nuku (Piano), Nolan Raihania, Matt Te Pou, Harima Fraser and members of the 28th Māori Battalion.