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Mo tātou, a mo ka uri, a muri ake nei

For us and our children after us

This weeks whakatāuki explained by Karaitiana Taiuru nō Kai Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu

Digital media consultant Karaitiana Taiuru is the chairman of the New Zealand Maori Internet society originally set up by Ross himona in 1997; it began with 20 members and today boasts a 2000 strong membership. Karaitiana has a chat with Justine Murray about the implications for Māori should a 30 million dollar ICT fund be accepted instead of spectrum allocation.

Hautaki Trust is the commercial arm of Te Huarahi Tika Trust chaired by Māori Businesswoman Mavis Mullins. Hautaki has a ten percent stake in 2degrees mobile; Mavis explains the developments today as a direct result of the last spectrum allocation, and the importance of 4G.

Mavis Mullins
Chair of Hautaki Trust, Mavis Mullins.

In an archival recording from the Paakiwaha programme on Radio Waatea in 2010, hosted by Dale Husband, Nga kaiwhakapumau i te reo Māori treasurer and te reo Māori advocate, Piripi Walker provides a historical account of the combined efforts of Māori to obtain spectrum for the purpose of language revitalisation.


Waiata featured:  Beautiful Woman performed by Teremoana Rapley from the album Phullyosophy (2005); Moonlight performed by PNC from the album Bazooka Kid (2009); Rere Reta Rere Reta performed by Ruia Aperahama from the album 12: 24 Tekau ma rua, Rua tekau ma wha (2008)