Sunday, 1 December 2013
Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa
Let us keep close together, not far apart
This week's whakatāuki is explained by Maraea Rakuraku no Tūhoe, Ngāti Kahungunu
Brad Haami nō Ngāti Awa; is slowly building up a portfolio that could well have him labelled as the Māori world’s most prolific biography writer. His recent publication: Ka Mau te Wehi: Taking Kapa Haka to the world. Bubs and Nen’s Story (2013) details the life of Kapa haka royalty Ngapo Wehi and Piimia Wehi (1930 - 2011) He talks about the process used in structuring the work and how it’s contributed to his deepening appreciation of Kapa Haka.
Learning the ukulele can be intense. Well, throw into the mix Te reo Māori and you have a 10 week REAP designed programme taking place on Wednesdays at Hau Ariki Pa, Martinborough. Maraea Rakuraku attends the classes run by Marama Mete-Smith and Rangitunoa Black.
Since moving to his hometown of Thames after many years based in Wellington, Jamie McCaskill nō Ngāti Tamatera is proof that, living outside of a major city doesn’t necessarily toll the death knell for a career in the Arts. Maraea Rakuraku speaks with the recently named Bruce Mason Award Winner.
Hau Ariki refers to the winds that blow along the coast of the Wairarapa and is the name of a Pa built in Martinborough by Hone Mete in the 1990’s. When touring the complex with his daughter Marama Mete-Smith Maraea Rakuraku encounters an issue that is becoming more common amongst Pa throughout the country - Succession planning.
And Te Ahi Kaa pays tribute to Tahu Potiki Hopkinson (1925 - 2013), D Company 28th Māori Battalion who died November 27, 2013 in Christchurch.
Waiata featured: Ukulele recordings as recorded at Hau Ariki Marae, Martinborough November 20, 2013.