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Hoki atu ki ō tātau iwi, hoki atu ki ō tātau maunga, hoki atu ki ō tātau marae.

Engari kia mau ki tēnei kōrero - tu Māori mai, tu Māori mai, tu Māori mai

Go back to our people, go back to our mountains, go back to our marae

but cling to this command. Stand as Māori, stand as Māori, stand as Māori

Sir James Henare (1911-1989) and explained by Leanne Tamaki

takrouna flag

Leanne Tamaki and Karina Ngaropo holding Te Mana Motuhake o Tuhoe flag with Takrouna behind.  In tribute, honouring Tūhoe men who fought and died here (May 2014) (Photo provided by Leanne Tamaki).

For Leanne Tamaki, administrator of the 28th Māori Battalion website jetlag just wasn’t an option when she travelled as part of an 80 strong tour to Tunisia, Italy and Greece in May, 2014 following in the steps of the 28 Māori Battalion during the Second World War. In conversation with Maraea Rakuraku, Tamaki presents a few highlights from the trip that includes experiencing  the very places that hold the stories of Māori men. Such as Point 209, Tunisia where Te Moananuiakiwa Ngarimu (1918-1943) – the first Māori recipient of the Victoria Cross was killed; Takrouna,Tunisia where  Haane Manahi (1913-1986) displayed such an outsanding display of courage he was awarded a Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) posthumously in 2007 and her koroua, Werewere Rakuraku (1923- 1943) – who was killed in action in Faenza, Italy.


Te Manu the second release from PAO. "Te Manu is about people. Our ancestors would compare things in their natural world to people, recognising qualities they saw in themselves and others. Many of our proverbs that are about people, use birds as a metaphor. The album cover is an artwork titled after the Māori proverb,

‘Mehemea ko Rupe’, If only  were Rupe (then I too, could fly)." Karl Teariki

It was a real whānau affair when Karl Teariki produced his latest album Pao with two of his sons, Te Manea and Tangaroa Teariki which was made all the more sweeter this past week, with the nomination in four categories in the 2014 Waiata Māori Music Awards.

Wairarapa gigDannevirke performance

PAO members and brothers, Tangaroa and Te Manea Teariki performing songs from the album Te Manu at Matariki celebrations in Dannevirke and Wairarapa (2014). (Photographs and album image provided by Karl Teariki)

Waiata featured: Superman perfomed by Sons of Zion featuring Tomorrow People, Fighting for Freedom performed by House of Shem and Daydreamer performed by Tomorrow People. All finalists in the Best Māori Music Video category in the 2014 Waiata Māori Music Awards