Navigation for Te Ahi Kaa
Sunday, 8 March 2015
Ngā Hua a Tāne Rore - The benefits of kapa haka
6:30 PM.Dr Leonie Pihama and Dr Jillian Tipene of Te Kotahi Research Institute at The University of Waikato provide a brief analysis into their scoping report commissioned by Manātu Tāonga (Ministry for… Read more Audio
Nuku - symbols of mana
6:20 PM.Bridget Reweti is the 2014 Blumhardt/Creative New Zealand Intern, at the tail end of her internship at The Dowse Art Museum in Lower Hutt she curated the recently opened exhibition Nuku: Symbols of… Read more Audio
The Koha Table - Cannons Creek Porirua
6:08 PM.Riana Hautapu says Koha is about unconditional giving and receiving. It's based on this concept that she now runs The Koha Table, a weekly service where anyone can visit the front yard of her home at… Read more Audio
Whakatāuki mo 8 o Poutū te Rangi (March) 2015
6:06 PM.Nōu te rourou, Nāku te rourou, Ka ora ai te iwi. With my basket and your basket the people with thrive. This week's whakatāuki is explained by Dr Leonie Pihama nō Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Māhanga, Nga Māhanga… Read more Audio