Ngataiharuru Taepa is the Kaihautu Toi Maori, Toi Rauwharangi – College of Creative Arts, Massey University. He was invited to take part in World War I Remembered: A Light and Sound Show that opened on the 18 April and runs until the 25 April.
Ngatai wants the viewers of his images to feel a connection and not to think too much about its design. Ngatai has a personal connection to the stories of Māori involvement on the battlefields. Last year he was part of the contingent that travelled to Monte Cassino to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino in World War II. These connections combined with mātauranga Māori, stories and narratives form the images created by Ngatai, will be light up the exterior of the Carillon.
He talks about his tupuna (ancestors) who fought in the Land Wars, the First World War and World War II.
Ngataiharuru Taepa nō Te Arawa, Te Atiawa.
'Te Tirairaka me te Rango' kowhaiwhai (fantail and the fly with flight paths) design by Ngataiharuru Taepa.
Tirairaka (fantail) by Ngataiharuru Taepa, Kaokao tukutuku design and tukutuku based on Tomb of Unknown Warrior.
Members of the Pioneer Battalion laying a road in Messiness, Belgium 1917 with Patiki - battle formation tukutuku design.