Skin Writing is a radio drama series set in The Underworld - a tā moko studio run by Pushy Te Aratapu (Jim Moriarty) and his daughter Niwa (Olivia Robinson).
Matt Tewano (played by Taungaroa Emile) is an emerging tā moko artist guided by Pushy to learn more about tā moko and its Tikanga.
If I was going to do a story about Taa Moko I thought that I'd need to understand the history of it, especially from a māori perspective so I went back to the Mataora and Niwareka myth and the way it was brought back from the underworld to Te Ao Mārama, and then gifted to made sense as a Māori to use these characters in this new telling about the use of Taa Moko - Jason Te Kare
Written by Briar Grace-Smith nō Ngāti Hau.
Produced by Jason Te Kare and engineered by Phil Benge.
Cast: Taungaroa Emile, Oivia Robinson, Jim Moriarty, Apirana Taylor
Nga Waiata:
'Sunshine in the Water' by Tama Waipara from the album Fill Up The Silence (2013)