He Kākano ahau is a six part podcast series that explores what it means to be Urban Māori. Writer, researcher and presenter Kahu Kutia moved to Wellington from Waimana Valley five years ago and sets out to contextualise how Māori make connections in the bigger cities. In this featured episode about decolonising gender and sexuality, Kahu spends time with transgender women Kayla Riarn and Ariki Campbell who share their experiences of growing up in their small hometowns, and how a shift to Wellington shaped their identity as whakawahine. For Kayla, who has lived in Wellington city for over two decades, she remembers the nightclub scene during the heyday of entertainer Carmen Rupe, today she's well known at marae across the capital for helping out as a regular cook. Ariki, aged 30 years old, discusses the history of sexuality and gender roles captured in stories, carvings and history.
For more information and the podcast click here.