Te Ahi Kaa mo 18 o Hakihea (December) 2011
In the final broadcast before the Summer break, Maraea Rakuraku and Justine Murray present a few favourite stories they've covered over 2011 that include: Harvesting potatoes from a Palmerston North garden, Hirini Moko Mead and the relevance the rebuilding and restoration of tupuna whare Mataatua holds for his Iwi - Ngati Awa, Dayle Takitimu presents the strategies her Iwi Te whanau a Apanui are undertaking to prevent the oil drilling and fracking taking place off their iwi coastline, Ani Mikaere puts into context the distortion of tikanga Maori and its impact upon Maori, Ngapare Hopa recalls those who contributed to her education that resulted in being the first Maori doctorate from Oxford University while eight year old Hinetaapora Short dreams about what she wants to be when she grows up that, pretty much includes everything. As well as the history behind Tyna Keelan's East Coast Girls and a live studio performance from Cornerstone Roots.