22 Jul 2012
Te Ahi Kaa for 22 July 2012
Guardianship versus ownership. Te Manu Korihi reporter Rosemary Rangitauira is at the Waitangi Tribunal hearings at Waiwhetu Marae, Wellington where she talks to Te Runanga o Te Rarawa Chairman Haami Piripi and Maori language advocate Toni Waho about Maori interests in Water. Justine Murray has a chat with Mana Elizabeth Hunkin, Principal of Te Kura Motuhake o Te Ataarangi school in Nuhaka, Wairoa. The Southern Taranaki hapu, Ngati Tupito of Patea provided the inspiration for a waiata written by Ivy Phillips for the Kapahaka group Aotea Utanganui, Maraea Rakuraku breaks down its composition.