Te Ahi Kaa for 5 August 2012
Te Ahu centre in Kaitaia is the latest addition to the community. It houses the Museum, Library and provides exhibition space, and features seven pou pou that represent the iwi of Te Tai Tokerau that also include, poupou paying homage to Pakeha and the Tarara. Maraea Rakuraku attended the official opening and talked to locals who give context to the day. Despite her grandparents being native te reo Maori speakers, the language wasn't encouraged in the home of the young Sophie Nock. That all changed when she grew up. Justine Murray talks with the te reo Maori exponent. Some call them friendlies, others traitors but whatever way you look at it everyone has an opinion on kupapa. That includes Daisy Noble who takes Maraea Rakuraku on a tour of Ohawe, a southern Taranaki township that was gifted by the crown for Whanganui Maori who had fought alongside them against Taranaki Maori.