Te Ahi Kaa mo 23 o Hakihea (December) 2012
In the final Te Ahi Kaa for 2012, Maraea Rakuraku and Justine Murray present a few of their favourite stories that includes a visit to the giant Kauri tree, Tanemahuta at Waipoua Forest with kaumatua Daniel Ambler, sitting with John and Isie Bristowe whose longterm marriage is the subject of much envy and listening to producer Bailey Mackey defend the TV series, The GC that received an unprecedented number of complaints before it had even aired. Justine Murray is at the annual Te ra o Te Kupenga gala day at Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o nga Mokopuna, Wellington and attends a mock Civil Defence emergency at Wainuiomata marae when it is transformed into an evacuation centre. Kahu Waitoa explains the whakapapa behind the waiata, Tomo Mai composed by his grandfather Henare Waitoa (1910-1968).