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Te Ahi Kaa
He Pātaka Kōrero, He matapihi ki te ao Māori. This former weekly series is now available as an online archive.
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Whakatāuki mo 11 o Haratua (May) 2014
11 May 2014Te Kii a Tūtāmure, The prick (from the snapper fish) of Tūtāmure. This whakatauāki is explained by Tawhana Chadwick nō Ngāti Kahungunu. Audio
Spectrum 1974 - All the Queens Men
4 May 2014Spectrum 1974 - All the Queens Men. A re-enactment of the Battle of Gate Pa 1864. Audio
Te Awanui Black
4 May 2014Organising a mass haka for the official powhiri entailed lots of practises but it's also a way of identifying future leaders as Te Awanui Black explains with Justine Murray. Read more Audio
Dr Hauata Palmer and Matakokiri Tata
4 May 2014On the way to the service at Otamataha Cemetary, Justine Murray talks with Dr Hauata Palmer about the large scale of this years commemorations and the unveiling of the eight pou. Audio
Carving the pou: Peri Kohu
The tight deadline and management of seven carvers was overseen by Peri Kohu. A month out from the unveiling of the carved pou, Justine Murray visited the workspace at the Tauranga Historic Village… Read more Audio
Buddy Mikaere
4 May 2014Buddy recalls attending the 100th commemorations of the Battle of Gate Pa as a kid. The event has always fascinated him and he has worked as a consultant since 2011 to piece together the 150th… Read more Audio
Now and Then by Emily McCarthy
4 May 2014Lynda Chanwai-Earle reads the poem Now and Then by Tauranga Girls College student, Emily McCarthy. Audio
Patrick Nicholas
Patrick Nicholas talks about the history of the Battle of Pukehinahina (Gate Pa) – the reasons that lead to the battle and the strategy taken up by its leaders that lead to the defeat of the British… Read more Audio
Mana Tu, Mana Toa, Mana Ake Ake
4 May 2014Mana Tu, Mana Toa, Mana Ake Ake. We will stand as strong as warriors forever and ever. This week's whakatauki featured as part of the haka powhiri at the 150th commemorations of the Battle of Gate Pa.
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150th Battle of Gate Pa Commemorations
Coverage of the 150th commemorations of the Battle of Pukehinahina (Gate Pa), with experience of the commemorations and insights into the historical events. Read more Audio
All that contributes to the kete. Toni Huata
27 Apr 2014Boarding at Turakina, being a loved whangai brought up by her grandparents and even hairdressing! Yes, hairdressing has all contributed to the force that is Toni Huata. Maraea Rakuraku spends time… Read more Audio
From Freezing worker to hiphop artist Westside Hori Tipene
27 Apr 2014Talk about the power of transformation. Tipene Harmer aka Tipene is an example of it from his studio, that was a former milking shed to working alongside musos Dam Native, Tyna and Scribe as a… Read more Audio
Te Ahi Kaa
He Pātaka Kōrero, He matapihi ki te ao Māori. This former weekly series is now available as an online archive.