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Te Ahi Kaa
He Pātaka Kōrero, He matapihi ki te ao Māori. This former weekly series is now available as an online archive.
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Dayle Takitimu: Emotion shouldn't be sanitised
9 Feb 2014Dayle Takitimu has had a gustful of being told there's a time and place for Maori to express anger. If not at a marae, where? If not at Waitangi, where? If not on Waitangi Day, when? Audio
Whakatauki mo 9 o Hui Tanguru (February) 2014
9 Feb 2014Kia mau koe ki nga tapu o nga matua tipuna. Hold fast to the tapu, to the sacredness of your ancestors. Audio
Erueti Tutaki - Chef
2 Feb 2014Chef Erueti shares his kawakawa fried bread recipe with Rosemary Rangitauira. Audio
Te Rangi Huata
2 Feb 2014As an events co-ordinator for the upcoming Waitangi day commemorations, Te Rangi outlines the programme for the Big 9 event held at Hawkes Bay Sports Park in Hastings that includes the Kai in the Bay… Read more Audio
Dick Garratt
2 Feb 2014President of the Aotearoa Māori Tennis Association Dick Garratt oversees the logistics of organising the annual tournament. One milestone for him in 2013 was escorting tennis great Ruia Morrison-Davy… Read more Audio
David Goldsmith
At 75 years old, David has been playing at the Aotearoa Maori Tennis tournament for 59 years. He knows a lot about the history of māori tennis but still maintains a critical analysis of today's world… Read more Audio
Julian Williams
2 Feb 2014How expensive is tennis compared to Rugby or Netball? Julian Williams knows first-hand the investment it takes to nurture sporting talent, evident in his 15 year old son Rawhiti Williams, as he… Read more Audio
Leona Davis-Kaye
2 Feb 2014Playing tennis was a real whanau affair on the farm in Rotorua, from mowing the court to playing the game with her father and 9 siblings. Leona talks about what Tennis has taught her with Justine… Read more Audio
Whakatāuki for 2 February 2014
2 Feb 2014E kore e taea te aukati i a koe, there is no stopping you. Audio
Keri Kaa's birthday surprise
26 Jan 2014Keri Kaa provides some cultural context to a book she's written, Taka Ki Ro Wai which tells the story about a pig, a horse, a flood and a birthday. Audio
Tina Ngata, the Non-plastic Māori
26 Jan 2014Four weeks in with her vow of no plastic for a year and Tina Ngata has already encountered difficulties. She talks through some of them with Maraea Rakuraku and the reasoning behind the challenge. Audio
Tracey Tawhiao and Pop-up Art Salons
26 Jan 2014Eliminating the Art dealer, are Pop-up Art Salons the way of the future? Tracey Tawhiao, Director of the House of Taonga thinks so. Audio
Te Ahi Kaa
He Pātaka Kōrero, He matapihi ki te ao Māori. This former weekly series is now available as an online archive.