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Te Ahi Kaa
He Pātaka Kōrero, He matapihi ki te ao Māori. This former weekly series is now available as an online archive.
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Te Ahi Kaa 12 Hongongoi (July) 2009
12 Jul 2009Evelyn Kawiti explains the meaning of her art exhibition 'Lost Voices', ink and water colours depicting Maori Children in the 1800's. Audio
Te Ahi Kaa for 5 Hongongoi (July) 2009
5 Jul 2009Founder and Director of the Wairoa Film Festival Leo Koziol gives the lowdown on this years festival and the line up of Movies screened over the four day film fest. Audio
Te Ahi Kaa 28 Pipiri (June) 2009
28 Jun 2009The learnings of their old people serve a ta moko practitioner and a scholar well in their fight against colonisation. Audio
Te Ahi Kaa 21 Pipiri (June) 2009
21 Jun 2009ItÂ's in the blood and a real whanau affair for the Church and Halley families whose lives revolve around Rodeo. Audio
Te Ahi Kaa 14 Pipiri (June) 2009
14 Jun 2009Would you trade your prized Harley Davidson bike for a 16 seater bus? That's what Doug Tamaki did to kickstart Tamaki Tours. Audio
Te Ahi Kaa 07 Pipiri (June) 2009
On the 25 May, 2009. the hikoi protesting the creation of Auckland as a supercity brought its lunchtime traffic to a standstill. Audio
Te Ahi Kaa 31 Haratua (May) 2009
Ki-o-Rahi is a sport played in France and yet virtually unknown here in Aotearoa, Maraea Rakuraku investigates. Read more Audio, Gallery
Te Ahi Kaa 24 Haratua (May) 2009
24 May 2009Singer Ladi 6 talks about her debut album' Time is Not Much' and the four year plight to finish the album. Audio
Te Ahi Kaa 17 Haratua (May) 2009
17 May 2009Moana Jackson and Claire Charters explain why the Foreshore and Seabed Act continues to create debate here and internationally. Audio
Lexie Starkey interview
10 May 2009Ngai Tahu kuia Lexie Starkey (1925-2009) describes her childhood at Mangamaunu pa, Kaikoura to Maraea Rakuraku. Audio
Te Ahi Kaa 10 Haratua (May) 2009
10 May 2009Hear public responses to the Foreshore and Seabed ministerial review panel and a private investigator talks about her trade. Audio
Te Ahi Kaa 3 Haratua (May) 2009
3 May 2009Te Kai Manawa Ora is the new food safety guide launched by the NZ food Safety Authority. Audio
Te Ahi Kaa
He Pātaka Kōrero, He matapihi ki te ao Māori. This former weekly series is now available as an online archive.