15 Mar 2017

When a river became a person

From The House , 10:35 pm on 15 March 2017

The Whanganui River is central to the health, well-being and existence of Whanganui Iwi and now has the same rights as a person.


Te Awa Tupua (Whanganui River Claims Settlement) Bill legally recognises the Whanganui River and all its physical and metaphysical elements as an indivisible and living whole.


It passed its third and final reading in the House which was met with a vocal reception from those in the galleries.

Whanganui iwi sing waiata after the passing of the third and final reading of te Awa Tupua, (Whanganui River Claims Settlement), Bill.

Whanganui iwi sing waiata after the passing of the third and final reading of te Awa Tupua, (Whanganui River Claims Settlement), Bill. Photo: RNZ / Daniela Maoate - Cox

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