3 Dec 2019

Foreign donations, referendums, and education at Parliament this week

From The House , 6:55 pm on 3 December 2019

There’s a calendar which marks the weeks MPs are required to be at Parliament in Wellington.

Normally it’s two or three weeks at Parliament and one or two away. The weeks at parliament are called blocks, and today is the start of the final block for the year.

While in the debating chamber this week, MPs will work on a bill related to the cannabis and euthanasia referendums, a bill banning foreign donations to parties and candidates, there’ll be a member’s day (which is bills from MPs who aren’t ministers), and bill overhauling the Education Act.

The Leader of the House Chris Hipkins has more details in the audio below.

Labour MP and Leader of the House Chris Hipkins

Labour MP and Leader of the House Chris Hipkins Photo: © VNP / Phil Smith