A Parliamentary Internship was an eye-opening experience for me.
After just a few years of living and studying in New Zealand I never thought I had the chance to experience something as different as this.
The Internship, which was hosted by the Hon. Phil Twyford, allowed high school students like me from around his electorate to go to Wellington and have a behind-the-scenes perspective of the New Zealand Government.
Tiara Siregar in the debating chamber with Phil Twyford Photo: provided
This is such a unique experience for someone with a dream to be a part of the government in the future, or to even understand a broader part of life - like me.
An inside view
With an early flight from Auckland to Wellington, I had the chance to encounter the environment of Parliament from dawn and was amazed at how many people were already there.
It felt unreal to be in the presence of public figures that I usually see on TV, just walking past me, and to also have access to parts of the Beehive which the public does not. I got to meet the Speaker Trevor Mallard, Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson, had a glimpse of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, and many other ministers who were very nice and welcoming, including Minister Phil Twyford and his own team.
Tiara Siregar meets two ministers: Priyanca Radhakrishnan and Grant Robertson Photo: provided
I was allowed to shadow Minister Twyford to different committee meetings and discussions on policy in different areas from Urban Planning to Disarmament.
I am interested in studying economics in the future and this experience helped me to better understand Kate Raworth’s quote “economics is the mother tongue of public policy”. It broadened my thinking on how far economics can be used and my drive to study this in my future studies.
In the House
While at Parliament, I got to watch the House in person. I tried to attend Question Time every day I was there. Visiting the debating chamber is not a peaceful experience, with all the shouting and arguments, but it is still interesting to watch.
It turns out that despite all the loud arguments between parties in the debating chamber, the select committee meetings are peaceful and serious. The contrast between them really surprised me.
Rehearsing for APEC
Other than meetings, I also had the chance to watch the rehearsal of an APEC meeting which was hosted in New Zealand the following weekend.
I witnessed the complex zoom seminars and saw how they contrasted so much with my school assemblies.
Tiara Siregar at the APEC rehearsal with Vangelis Vitalis Photo: supplied
The APEC visit allowed me to meet Vangelis Vitalis, a New Zealand diplomat and trade negotiator and also the person organising this event. Even though I was not there to watch the actual APEC discussion because by then I was already back in Auckland, it was still a unique experience to be there.
This internship was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I am very lucky and thankful for the chance to be in parliament for the week. Thank you Minister Twyford and everyone for giving me the chance to be there.