25 Nov 2022

A long week of Tuesdays and lots of bills

From The House , 6:55 pm on 25 November 2022

The weary look on MPs faces today has been something to behold. It’s been a gruelling week for members, some of whom joked grimly that they were like prisoners on precinct.

The Government - wanting additional sitting hours to get a big bunch of legislation progressed before the end of the year - on Tuesday got permission from the House to sit under urgency for the rest of the week. Technically speaking, it’s been Tuesday the 22nd of November for most of the week at Parliament, with days beginning at 9am and on Wednesday and Thursday going until midnight, all the while quite a lot of legislative business has gone down.

This photo was taken on 25 November 2022. However the date in the chamber still showed 22 November because on that day the Government moved a motion for the House to sit under urgency meaning that, technically speaking, it was 22 November for the rest of the week at Parliament.

This photo was taken on 25 November 2022. However the date in the chamber still showed 22 November because on that day the Government moved a motion for the House to sit under urgency meaning that, technically speaking, it was 22 November for the rest of the week at Parliament. Photo: Johnny Blades / VNP

Four bills had their entire passage through the House:

Another four bills had their remaining stages completed:

The House went painstakingly (emphasis on pain) through the various parts and clauses of legislation that enables the Government's Three Waters reform. 

Furthermore, a total of seven bills had their first reading this week:

With these first readings out of the way people can now submit their views on the Bill to the select committee. It was part of the Government’s plan for Urgency: to get a number of bills like this underway so the public can have that extra time over the Christmas break to consider submitting.

But before they finished the legislative marathon, the MPs did even more: 

At 4.06 pm on Friday, the House adjourned and the MPs' week of Tuesdays came to a conclusion. None of them were carried out of Parliament building on stretchers, but one could sense their relief that the ordeal was over, at least for now.


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