28 Jul 2024

MPs on the Abuse in Care report

From The House , 7:00 am on 28 July 2024

Every week Parliament is a smorgasbord of stories and issues, many of them interesting and most of them impactful, but sometimes one event or issue in the week dwarfs every other. This week that issue was the tabling of, and initial debate over the report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care.

The report is nearly three thousands pages, spread across 16 volumes. Crucially it includes 138 recommendations. The speeches on the report in the House took an hour and three quarters and were compelling. 

A number were particularly thoughtful and honest and ideally should be heard in their entirety.  See the link to the Parliament video or Hansard transcription below if you wish to take in the entire debate, or follow the link immediately below for some moments from the debate.

The Abuse in Care Inquiry report

Photo: RNZ / Samuel Rillstone

You can read the report, about the report, Parliament's coverage of the debate, or media stories relating to the report at the links below.

Pages at The Royal Commission of Inquiry Site

Parliament resources

  • The debate on the report can be watched here
  • The Hansard transcription of the debate on the report can be read here.

News Stories

RNZ’s The House – journalism focussed on parliamentary legislation, issues and insights – is made with funding from Parliament’s Office of the Clerk.