26 Nov 2019

Disaster response and climate change a focus for Tonga parliament candidate

From the collecton The House On Demand

Environmental scientist and parliamentary candidate Netatua Pelesikoti Taufatofua says she wants to use her knowledge to improve policies, legislation, and decision making in Tonga's Parliament.

Dr Taufatofua was a panelist at a breakfast with New Zealand MPs and Tongan women leaders in Tonga last month.

She told Daniela Maoate-Cox climate change is a particular focus as it impacts a wide range of policies from agriculture to infrastructure.

This interview is part of a series on the Speaker-led delegation to Tonga and Fiji. The full coverage can be found here.

Environmental scientist Netatua Pelesikoti Taufatofua is standing in the by-election for the constituency which was held by the late Prime Minister 'Akilisi Pohiva.

Environmental scientist Netatua Pelesikoti Taufatofua is standing in the by-election for the constituency which was held by the late Prime Minister 'Akilisi Pohiva. Photo: VNP / Daniela Maoate-Cox


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