He's probably best known for playing Doctor Who, or for his role as a dishevelled detective in Broadchurch...now the Scottish actor David Tennant's got his own podcast!
His first guest is his friend, fellow Broadchurch star, and now Oscar winner Olivia Colman. And she's bracingly forthright, funny and potty-mouthed about her path into acting, the challenges of fame, and how she copes with life in a 24/7 goldfish bowl enabled by smartphones and social media.
Sounding and feeling very much like eavesdropping on a intimate chat between mates, it's full of lovely revelations too: like how she once ate a cigarette butt in an audition, how she can do a mean Scottish accent, and how she played a great trick on Emma Stone in The Favourite involving a damp sponge.
'David Tennant Does a Podcast with...Olivia Colman'...(A Somethin' Else and No Mystery production)