Podcast From The Past logo (Supplied) Photo: Supplied/Tom Jackson
Are you still sending picture postcards, or getting them in the post? Because before Likes and Retweets and Endorsements the postcard was the cheap and easy way to let someone know that you were thinking of them...that you cared.
Even though postcards have become a bit of an endangered species in the age of emails, texts, WhatsApp, Snapchat and all the other kinds of instant messaging, they're still far from extinct!
Tom Jackson got into them more than 25 years ago, and since then he's built up a massive collection of around 60,000 cards.He's also written a book and started up a popular Twitter account @PastPostcard...Tom tweets a picture of the front of a postcard along with a sentence off the back. The effect can be really funny and sometimes quite jarring with a tacky image clashing with what's been written.
In his show 'Podcast From The Past', he also uses the postcard as a springboard into stories. Two guests bring some of their favourite postcards into the studio, Tom does the same, and they talk about what they mean and why they were sent.
We speak to Tom Jackson about his collection and how he finds his guests, and play some of an episode of Podcast From the Past featuring the poet, playwright and translator Sasha Dugdale and the actor and director Samuel West.