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The Blind Side...Moneyball...The Big Short: the author and journalist Michael Lewis is perhaps best known for his books that have been turned into films.
In these and in other titles like Flash Boys and Liar's Poker he shows a knack for writing about sport, business, and the business of sport. He can take complex ideas about any sort of market- derivatives trading, baseball batting statistics, arbitrage- and turn them into engaging prose. His previous life working as a bond trader in London probably helps!
In a new podcast called 'Against The Rules' Lewis looks at the idea of fairness in different walks of law, the media, the financial markets, and in sport...and asks why the 'referees' in all these areas seem to be under attack.
In the first episode called 'Ref, You Suck' he visits the NBA's Replay Centre in Secaucus, New Jersey- the place where every pro basketball referee's decision gets scrutinised (and if necessary over-ruled) by other referees on 110 TV screens in real time during each NBA game. 'Against The Rules with Michael Lewis' is edited by Julia Barton for Pushkin Industries.