Each year Te Papa's curators are sent photos and samples of fish which people can't identify, and sometimes that's because they haven't been seen before. So if you come across something fishy, and mysterious, what should you do? Andrew Stewart from Te Papa co-authored the four-volume compendium The Fishes of New Zealand which catalogues all 1262 known species of fish in our waters.
Andrew Stewart the author of The Fishes of New Zealand - Carl Struthers, Te Papa
Mobula japanica/Spinetailed devil ray - Andrew Stewart, Te Papa
Carcharodon carcharias/Great white shark - Michael Hall, Te Papa
Gymnothorax eurostus/Stout moray - Carl Struthers, Te Papa
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha/Chinook salmon - Michelle Freeborn, Te Papa
Himantolophus appelii/Prickly anglerfish - Andrew Stewart, Te Papa
Amphichaetodon howensis/Lord Howe coralfish - Carl Struthers, Te Papa
Pentaceros richardsoni/Southern boarfish - Andrew Stewart, Te Papa
Centroberyx affinis/Golden snapper - Carl Struthers, Te Papa
Monocentris japonica/Pineapplefish - Carl Struthers, Te Papa
Masturus lanceolatus/Sharptail sunfish - Jean-Claude Stahl, Te Papa
Kyphosus vaigiensis/Brassy drummer - Andrew Stewart, Te Papa
Parapercis colias/Blue cod - Carl Struthers, Te Papa
Argyropelecus sladeni/Lowcrest hatchetfish - Michelle Freeborn/Te Papa
Psychrolutes microporos/Blobfish - Carl Struthers, Te Papa
Himantolophus albinares/Whitelure prickly anglerfish - Michelle Freeborn, Te Papa
The images in this gallery are used with permission and are subject to copyright conditions.