Navigation for The Panel
The Panel for Monday 1 September 2014
The Panel pre-show for 1 September 2014
3:47 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Tainui Stephens and Jane Clifton (Part 1)
4:07 PM.Topics - We discuss Judith Collins and enquiries, on a day when the Australian media entrepeneur Eric Beecher says the rise of activism and opinion in journalism is the most serious threat to the… Read more Audio
The Panel with Tainui Stephens and Jane Clifton (Part 2)
4:33 PM.Topics - don't call me feisty, warns Downton Abbey actress Daisy Lewis. Goodbye Sir Owen Glenn. He's become disillusioned with New Zealand. He plans to close his foundation here. He's been driven out… Read more Audio