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The Panel for Thursday 19 February 2015
The Panel pre-show for 19 February 2015
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Nicky Pellegrino and Raybon Kan (Part 1)
4:08 PM.Topics - Team New Zealand are said to be preparing to ditch skipper Dean Barker and promote Peter, 24-year-old Peter Burling, our new hotshot helmsman. Cabinet will go back to square one on the David… Read more Audio
Panel Intro
4:09 PM.What the panelists Nicky Pellegrino and Raybon Kan have been up to. Audio
Dean Barker for the Chop
4:12 PM.Team New Zealand are said to be preparing to ditch skipper Dean Barker and promote Peter, 24-year-old Peter Burling, our new hotshot helmsman. Audio
A Fresh Inquiry into David Bains Compensation
4:18 PM.Cabinet will go back to square one on the David Bain compensation case. Dr Chris Gallavin joins the Panel to talk about how this inquiry will be run. Audio
Aussie Bali Boycott
4:23 PM.There's a movement in Australia to boycott Bali as a holiday situation. Prof Al Gillespie talks about Bali and the death penalty in general. Audio
Smoking Cessation Targets
4:30 PM.Canterbury GPs who fell short of anti-smoking targets were too busy to offer advice about giving up. Is it fair to expect GPs to have to give advice on stopping smoking on top of everything else? Audio
The Panel with Nicky Pellegrino and Raybon Kan (Part 2)
4:34 PM.Topics - Have sheep been given a bad press? Are they really the stupid docile beasts we've been led to believe? NZ companies are changing or at least thinking about changing their names because of the… Read more Audio
Chinese Year of the Sheep Starts Today
4:35 PM.Have sheep been given a bad press? Are they really the stupid docile beasts we've been led to believe? The owner of our most famous Merino, Shrek,John Periam joins the Panel to talk sheep. And golf. Audio
Panel says
4:42 PM.What's on the minds of panelists Nicky Pellegrino and Raybon Kan. Audio
ISIS Businesses Changing names
4:48 PM.NZ companies are changing or at least thinking about changing their names because of the connotation Isis now has. Audio
Sanctuary in Churches
4:50 PM.A Chilean family sought sanctuary in a Chrictchurch Catholic Church. But that wasn't extended after hours. Is the Church a place where sanctuary can be expected? Audio
Henare Pleads Guilty
4:54 PM.Panellist and former MP Tau Henare has pleaded guilty to a breach of suppression, after he named a high profile New Zealander in a case of sexual assault. Audio
Kids with Knives
4:57 PM.Reports of children as young as 12 carrying knives at a Mangere shopping mall and at school. Audio