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The Panel for Monday 23 February 2015
The Panel pre-show for 23 February 2015
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Stephen Franks and Ella Henry] (Part 1)
4:05 PM.A fourth fruit fly in Auckland; Cabinet decided today on our troop contribution to Iraq, but the announcement won't be till tomorrow, probably to coincide with an Australian announcement; U.S. law… Read more Audio
Panel Intro
4:06 PM.What the panelists Stephen Franks and Ella Henry have been up to. Audio
Fruit Flies
4:14 PM.A fourth fruit fly in Auckland. Audio
4:20 PM.Cabinet decided today on our troop contribution to Iraq, but the announcement won't be till tomorrow, probably to coincide with an Australian announcement. Audio
The Enemy Within
4:24 PM.U.S. law enforcement officials have issued warnings to Americans to be careful in big shopping malls, particularly the Mall Of America in Minneapolis. Audio
Auckland Ambassadors
4:25 PM.Aucklanders have their own woman in San Francisco to go with their own man in London. Audio
Oscar Speeches
4:36 PM.The New York Post says that the Brits when they receive Oscars are wittier, more self-deprecating, gracious and modest. Audio
The Panel with Stephen Franks Ella Henry] (Part 2)
4:40 PM.The New York Post says that the Brits when they receive Oscars are wittier, more self-deprecating, gracious and modest; A study in the journal Psychological Science set out to solve Solomon's Paradox… Read more Audio
Good Decisions
4:42 PM.A study in the journal Psychological Science set out to solve Solomon's Paradox, named after the Old Testament King, who was famed for his wisdom but failed to make good decisions in his own life. Audio
The Panel says
4:45 PM.What's on the minds of panelists Stephen Franks and Ella Henry. Audio
Elephant Killer
4:52 PM.The former Australian cricketer Glenn McGrath has issued a public apology after images surfaced online of him participating in a big game hunt in Zimbabwe. Audio
Metadata Retention
4:58 PM.The Assistant Comissioner of the Australian Federal Police has been talking to a Tech Leaders conference in the Blue Mountains; he's been arguing in favour of a national Data Retention Bill. He has… Read more Audio