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The Panel for Friday 5 June 2015
The Panel pre-show for 5 June 2015
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Amanda Millar and Andrew Clay (Part 1)
4:05 PM.The woman who left her toddler in a hot car after forgetting he was there has been discharged without conviction. Legal expert Mark Henaghan joins the Panel to discuss the judge's decision. The… Read more Audio
The Panel with Amanda Millar and Andrew Clay (Part 2)
4:06 PM.Amazing results in speech recognition programme Sound Hound. A new test can work out what simple health and lifestyle factors are best indicators of short-term death. Dr Hamish Jamieson joins the… Read more Audio
Panel introduction
4:10 PM.What the Panelists Amanda Millar and Andrew Clay have been up to. Audio
No conviction over baby death
4:14 PM.The woman who left her toddler in a hot car after forgetting he was there has been discharged without conviction. Legal expert Mark Henaghan joins the Panel to discuss the judge's decision. Audio
Assisted suicide
4:20 PM.The Wellington lawyer Lecretia Seales died overnight after taking a case for her to be allowed to end her life to the High Court. Ethicist Tim Dare joins the Panel to talk about the issue becoming… Read more Audio
Cat limits
4:30 PM.The Conservation Minister Maggie Barry has suggested limiting the number of cats to two for each household and for the SPCA to put-down feral cats which are trapped. Audio
Panel Says
4:42 PM.What the Panelists Amanda Millar and Andrew Clay have been thinking about. Audio
What your gait says about your lifespan
4:46 PM.A new test can work out what simple health and lifestyle factors are best indicators of short-term death. Dr Hamish Jamieson joins the Panel to discuss how something as simple as how fast you walk can… Read more Audio
The end of a retail institution
4:55 PM.Aussie department store chain David Jones is taking over Wellington's Kirkcaldie and Stains. Does it matter? Audio
Thumbs down to hands up
4:56 PM.The Australian state of Victoria is trying to ban students from putting their hands up in classrooms, as part of an experiment in changing how classes are run. Audio