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The Panel for Friday 23 October 2015
The Panel pre-show for 23 October 2015
3:45 PM.What the world is talking about with Jesse Mulligan, Paul Brennan and Zoe George. Audio
The Panel with Bernard Hickey and Dita de Boni (Part 1)
4:06 PM.Where is Wellington at with its earthquake preparednes? Signs of life in zombie towns. CHCH Council to get control. Audio
The Panel with Bernard Hickey and Dita de Boni (Part 2)
4:07 PM.Universities ban vaping. Panel Says. RWC with Mark Reason. Shocking N-word place names. Audio
4:10 PM.What the Panelists Dita de Boni and Bernard Hickey have been up to. Audio
Where is Wellington at with its earthquake preparednes?
4:15 PM.A jolt in the capital last night has us wondering what progress has been made on Wellington's earthquake preparedness. The CEO of Wellington Electicity Greg Skelton tells us how the lifeline utilities… Read more Audio
Signs of life in zombie towns
4:23 PM.Statistics NZ reports population growth in most of the regions except the West Coast. Grey District mayor Tony Kokshoorn talks about his reaction to the figures and if he still has hope for growth. Audio
Christchurch Council to get control
4:30 PM.The Christchurch Council will gain total control of the rebuilt in five years. Is it ready? Audio
Universities ban vaping
4:38 PM.Both Canterbury and Otago universities have banned vaping. But that's being criticised as many who are trying to quit cigarettes are using the electronic versions. Audio
Panel Says
4:42 PM.What the Panelists Dita de Boni and Bernard Hickey have been thinking about. Audio
RWC with Mark Reason
4:47 PM.The mindgames and the chosen squad. Mark Reason on this weekend's All Blacks vs South Africa Rugby World Cup semi-final. Audio
Shocking N-word place names
4:56 PM.The Geographic Board is proposing getting rid of three South Island place names which incoporate the n-word. Audio