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The Panel for Wednesday 4 November 2015
The Panel pre-show for 4 November 2015
3:46 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Chris Wikaira and Lisa Scott (Part 1)
4:06 PM.Intro. All Blacks victory lap. DoC staff to take industrial action. New Plymouth Maori representation. Audio
The Panel with Chris Wikaira and Lisa Scott (Part 2)
4:07 PM.Dangerous jobs. Panel Says. Commercialisation of schools. Melbourne Cup jockey's dad. Nazi landmarks decaying. Audio
4:08 PM.What the Panelists Lisa Scott and Chris Wikaira have been up to. Audio
All Blacks victory lap
4:12 PM.Thousands have turned out to welcome the 2015 Rugby World Cup holders home. Audio
DoC staff to take industrial action
4:16 PM.The GM of the Morgan Foundation Geoff Simmons talks about what needs to happen to save species New Zealand could lose. Audio
New Plymouth Maori representation
4:26 PM.The Mayor of New Plymouth Andrew Judd talks about the difficulties of getting Maori representation at local government level. Audio
Dangerous jobs
4:35 PM.The most dangerous jobs have been determined by three factors - exposure to contaminants, exposure to disease and infections and time spent sitting: 67. Audio
Panel Says
4:40 PM.What the Panelists Lisa Scott and Chris Wikaira have been thinking about. Audio
Commercialisation of schools
4:44 PM.Professor Robert Aiken tells us about a new survey about attitudes towards advertising to children. Audio
Melbourne Cup jockey's dad
4:52 PM.Paddy Payne the father of Melbourne Cup winning jockey Michelle Payne talks to the Panel about his daughter. Audio
Nazi landmarks decaying
4:58 PM.In the German city of Nuremberg is Congress Hall, once a rallying ground for Hitler, it's edifices are crumbling, and need repair. They're wondering whether to expand the site, should they spend money… Read more Audio