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The Panel for Thursday 3 December 2015
The Panel Pre-Show for 3 December 2015
3:47 PM.What the world is talking about with Paul Brennan, Jim Mora and Julie Moffett. Audio
The Panel with Tony Doe and Annah Stretton (Part 2)
4:05 PM.A new book "The Sense of Style" goes through words and phrases which are regularly misused. What the Panelists Tony Doe and Annah Stretton have been thinking about. Lawyer Kathryn Dailziel discusses… Read more Audio
The Panel with Tony Doe and Annah Stretton (Part 1)
4:06 PM.What the Panelists Tony Doe and Annah Stretton have been up to. Another mass shooting in the United States. This time at a California disability centre. Dr Chris Jackson of the Cancer Society talks… Read more Audio
The Panel Intro
4:09 PM.What the Panelists Tony Doe and Annah Stretton have been up to. Audio
San Bernadino mass shooting
4:11 PM.Another mass shooting in the United States. This time at a California disability centre. Audio
Pharmac not funding melanoma drug
4:16 PM.Dr Chris Jackson of the Cancer Society talks about the impact of Pharmac deciding to not fund a new melanoma drug Keytruda. Audio
Special category houses sold for huge profits
4:26 PM.Mark Graham of the Building Guide discusses how new affordable houses were bought then quickly sold-off at a profit. Audio
Misused phrases
4:33 PM.A new book "The Sense of Style" goes through words and phrases which are regularly misused. Audio
Panel Says
4:39 PM.What the Panelists Tony Doe and Annah Stretton have been thinking about. Audio
Child sex offender name change bill
4:43 PM.Lawyer Kathryn Dailziel discusses the implication of the Child Sex Offender Name Change bill. Audio
It is International Disabilities Day
4:55 PM.And that has made what Kylie Jenner did a hot button topic.Kylie Jenner from the Kardashian clan has angered disabled people by posing in a gold wheelchair for a magazine cover. Audio