Navigation for The Panel
The Panel for Wednesday 24 February 2016
The Panel pre-show for 24 February 2016
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Gordon McLauchlan and Niki Bezzant (Part 1)
4:05 PM.Topics - . The NZ public now owns Awaroa Beach. Auckland housing and how will cities grow in the future, and What's a good age for kids to start riding their bikes to school? Audio
The Panel with Gordon McLauchlan and Niki Bezzant (Part 2)
4:06 PM.Topics - Chickweed is the ingredient du jour for salads, The Government's putting $300,000 into helping people into work in the Buller District. That'll be matched by the same amount of money from the… Read more Audio
Panel Intro
4:07 PM.What the Panelists Gordon McLauchlan and Niki Bezzant have been up to. Audio
Awaroa Beach
4:10 PM.The NZ public owns Awaroa Beach now. Audio
4:14 PM.China is banning any more 'bizarre' buildings in a new push for 'economic, green and beautiful' architecture. How will cities like Auckland be built in the future? Audio
Biking to school
4:29 PM.What's a good age for kids to start riding their bikes to school? Audio
Yum. Chickweed.
4:32 PM.Chickweed is the ingredient du jour for salads. Audio
Panel Says
4:36 PM.What the Panelists Gordon McLauchlan and Niki Bezzant have been thinking about. Audio
Govt subsidising Buller wages
4:42 PM.The Government's putting $300,000 into helping people into work in the Buller District. That'll be matched by the same amount of money from the local council. Audio
The death of double
4:52 PM.Do you notice the dying out of words like "double" "treble" and "twice"? Panel listener Graeme Leary does. Audio
Tourist not charged after theft
4:56 PM.An American tourist hasn't been charged after stealing $400 dollars. Audio
UK PM attacks London's mayor
4:58 PM.David Cameron has ripped into Boris Johnson after the Mayor of London voiced his support for the Brexit. Audio