Navigation for The Panel
The Panel for Monday 21 March 2016
The Panel pre-show for 21 March 2016
3:46 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Ali Jones and Sally Wenley (Part 1)
4:03 PM.What the Panelists have been thinking about with Sally Wenley and Ali Jones. Queenstown campground owner Duncan Ridd talks about his experiences with Wicked Campers and their slogans. Protestors block… Read more Audio
The Panel with Ali Jones and Sally Wenley (Part 2)
4:05 PM.New research shows when women start to take over male-dominated jobs the salaries slide. What the Panelists Sally Wenley and Ali Jones have been thinking about. Dr Meredith Peddie disccuses the… Read more Audio
4:07 PM.What the Panelists have been thinking about with Sally Wenley and Ali Jones. Audio
Wicked campers
4:11 PM.Queenstown campground owner Duncan Ridd talks about his experiences with Wicked Campers and their slogans. Audio
Banning Trump, dogs.
4:23 PM.Protestors block a highway with their anti-Donald Trump stance. Clamping down on dogs in Dunedin. Audio
Women's wages
4:33 PM.New research shows when women start to take over male-dominated jobs the salaries slide. Audio
Panel Says
4:38 PM.What the Panelists Sally Wenley and Ali Jones have been thinking about. Audio
The benefits of short burst exercise
4:45 PM.Dr Meredith Peddie disccuses the benefits or lack on for stnd-up desks and short bursts of exercise. Audio
Attached to our mobiles
4:53 PM.Can you get by without your phone? Audio
Road rage
4:56 PM.Outraged driver threatens to kill bunch of cyclists. Audio