Navigation for The Panel
The Panel for Friday 3 June 2016
The Panel pre-show for 3 June 2016
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Lisa Scott and Michael Moynahan (Part 1)
4:05 PM.The latest twist in the EgypotAir crash story. This year Bill Gates warned about a loss of existing jobs. He predicts "an excess of labor resources" as robots and AI systems take over. The drivers of… Read more Audio
The Panel with Lisa Scott and Michael Moynahan (Part 2)
4:06 PM.Panelists Lisa Scott and Michael Moynahan have chosen music to illustrate a life well-lived. Patrick Morgan of the Cycling Advocates Network addresses some cycleway questions. Kelvin Davis has been… Read more Audio
Panel Intro
4:07 PM.What the Panelists Lisa Scott and Michael Moynahan have been up to. Audio
The erratic story of EgyptAir MS804
4:12 PM.The latest twist in the EgypotAir crash story. Audio
Switzerland on the brink of implementing a universal income
4:14 PM.This year Bill Gates warned about a loss of existing jobs. He predicts "an excess of labor resources" as robots and AI systems take over. Audio
Government limo drivers
4:26 PM.The drivers of the government's limousines have been speeding regularly. Audio
Michael and Lisa's song choices
4:32 PM.Panelists Lisa Scott and Michael Moynahan have chosen music to illustrate a life well-lived. Audio
Panel says
4:37 PM.What the Panelists Lisa Scott and Michael Moynahan have been thinking about. Audio
4:44 PM.Patrick Morgan of the Cycling Advocates Network addresses some cycleway questions. Audio
Labour MP warned of attracting the wrong kind of attention
4:53 PM.Kelvin Davis has been warned by Judith Collins about going public on Corrections staff taking bribes. Audio
Homelessness increasing
4:55 PM.More sobering data on homelessness from the University of Otago. Audio
Oamaru the Steampunk capital of NZ
4:58 PM.It's Steampunk weekend in Oamaru. Audio