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The Panel for Tuesday 11 July 2017
One Quick Question for 11 July 2017
3:48 PM.We find the answers to any queries you can think up. Audio
The Panel pre-show for 11 July 2017
3:51 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Nevil Gibson and Dellwyn Stuart (Part 1)
4:03 PM.Fairfax political editor Tracy Watkins gives her take on the latest political polls and policy announcements. Waikato University Demogrpaher Dr Tahu Kukutai speaks about the pressures the global… Read more Audio
The Panel with Nevil Gibson and Dellwyn Stuart (Part 2)
4:05 PM.Shanghai umbrella sharing scheme results in the loss of nearly all of the 300 thousand umbrellas. What the Panelists Nevil Gibson and Dellwyn Stuart want to talk about. Wedderburn farmer Stuart Duncan… Read more Audio
Latest political polls and policies
4:09 PM.Fairfax political editor Tracy Watkins gives her take on the latest political polls and policy announcements. Audio
World population day summit tackles pressure on the planet
4:19 PM.Waikato University Demogrpaher Dr Tahu Kukutai speaks about the pressures the global population is putting on the planet. Audio
Hospital philanthropist admits he'll get a tax rebate
4:28 PM.Benefactor behind new children's hospital in Wellington admits there's tax advantages to his philanthropy. Audio
Umbrella sharing plan turns into theft
4:34 PM.Shanghai umbrella sharing scheme results in the loss of nearly all of the 300 thousand umbrellas. Audio
Nasty weather strikes in deep south
4:42 PM.Wedderburn farmer Stuart Duncan talks to the panel about how bad the weather has become in central Otago. Audio
Celiac Catholics might suffer under new Vatican bread rules
4:46 PM.Catholic spokeswoman Lyndsay Freer talks about the impact the ban on gluten free altar bread by the Vatican. Audio
Take down of Trump by Aussie journo at G20
4:54 PM.Australian reporter's epic take down of Trump sets twitterverse on fire. Audio
American comedian attracts odium for re-marrying
4:57 PM.Patton Oswalt is defending his engagement from online critics who say the comedian is getting married too soon after his wife's death last year. Audio