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The Panel for Monday 18 May 2020
I've Been Thinking for 18 May 2020
3:53 PM.Panellists Michelle Boag and David Cormack share what they've been thinking about. Audio
The Panel with Michelle Boag and David Cormack (Part 1)
4:05 PM.For the first time in seven weeks children have gone back to their classroom for learning, and many parents are back in the office we talk about that today. Also new study being lauched to determine… Read more Audio
The Panel with Michelle Boag and David Cormack (Part 2)
4:05 PM.Buy NZ Executive director is Ryan Jennings on a renewed call post lockdown to buy New Zealand Made as a way to kick start the local economy. Key findings from a review of research on the effects of… Read more Audio
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First day nerves for parents and children
4:08 PM.Pscyhologist Jacqui Maguire talks about how people might be feeling as they head back to their offices and classrooms today. Audio
New study launched to help parents understand the COVID risk
4:15 PM.A new study has been launched aimed at providing parents with information about the risk of COVID-19 to children. Paediatrician Dr Tony Walls joins the discussion. Audio
Why the 5G links to COVID 19 conspiracies persist
4:20 PM.There are more attacks on cell phone towers as people believe the conspiracy of a link between 5G technology and the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr M Dentith is an expert in field of conspiracy theorists. Audio
Today in music history, a moment for the Beatles
4:32 PM.Today in music history, on this day in 1967 the Beatles were selected to represent the UK for the first-ever global-wide satellite broadcast. Audio
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New research highlighs the dangers of smoking cannabis
4:35 PM.New research highlights the dangers of smoking cannabis. Lead author on the study, Professor Bob Hancox joins the show to talk about what they discovered. Audio
Buy NZ Made being urged to kickstart the economy
4:40 PM.Executive Director, BuyNZ Made, Ryan Jennings joins the show to talk about their efforts post lock down to help New Zealand businesses survive. Audio
Electioneering gets underway in alert level 2
4:55 PM.Electioneering starts in alert level two with National calling the coalition budget nothing but a bribe in an election year. Audio