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The Panel for Friday 28 August 2020
Story of the day with Amelia Langford
3:50 PM.Amelia Langford discovers a way to be transported to different worlds while sitting on one's couch, including Abbey Road! Audio
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What panellists Victoria Stewart and Guy Williams have been thinking
3:55 PM."I've been thinking' with panellists Victoria Stewart and Guy Williams Audio
The Panel with Victoria Stewart and Guy Williams (Part 1)
4:06 PM.Mandatory mask wearing in some places from Monday; The Panel speaks to professor Dave Parry about NZX cyber-attacks; Friday mailbag. Audio
The Panel with Victoria Stewart and Guy Williams (Part 2)
4:07 PM.30 years of Smokefree NZ health intervention; Debate growing around televising school sports competitions; Bonus Bonds cancelled due to low interest rates. Audio
Mandatory mask wearing in some places from Monday
4:08 PM.As Auckland joins the rest of the country on Monday in alert level 2, face masks become mandatory on public transport and shared rides. We speak to Otago university public health senior lecturer… Read more Audio
The Panel speaks to professor Dave Parry about NZX cyber attack
4:20 PM.AUT Computer Science Professor Dave Parry joins the Panel to talk about the fourth consecutive day the NZX has had to delay opening due to a cyber attack. Audio
Today in music history - In 1990 Stevie Ray Vaughan died
4:32 PM.Today in music history, 35 year old Stevie Ray Vaughn died in a helicopter accident. Audio
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30 years of Smokefree NZ health intervention
4:40 PM.Its been 30 years this month since the Smoke-free Environments Act was passed. We speak to Otago University public health law lecturer, Louise Delany who helped to shape the legislation. Audio
Debate growing around televising school sports competitions
4:52 PM.Debate is growing around the benefits and benefactors of televising school sporting competitions. Former Sport College CEO Manoj Daji talks to the panel about his concerns. Audio
Bonus Bonds cancelled due to low interest rates
4:56 PM.Very New Zealand Bonus Bonds scheme has been cancelled due to low interest rates. Financial advisor David Boyle joins the programme to talk about why there were never a good investment. Audio