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The Panel for Monday 6 September 2021
The Pre-Panel with Verity Johnson and Phil O'Reilly
3:45 PM.Panellists Verity Johnson and Phil O'Reilly share what they've been thinking and discuss two new craft exhibitions planned for Lower Hutt next year. Audio
The Panel with Verity Johnson and Phil O'Reilly (Part One)
4:01 PM.Panellists Verity Johnson and Phil O'Reilly discuss the latest Covid-19 announcement. Read more Audio
The Panel with Verity Johnson and Phil O'Reilly (Part Two)
4:30 PM.Part 2: Panellists Verity Johnson and Phil O'Reilly discuss the latest Covid-19 announcement, how it might impact the hospitality sector, terror legislation, and gender discrimination in the rental… Read more Audio