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The Panel for Friday 10 September 2021
The Pre-Panel with Ruwani Perera and Steve McCabe
3:45 PM.Panellists Ruwani Perera and Steve McCabe share their lockdown meal routine and get some 'lifesaving lockdown recipes' from Wellington food writer Lucy Corry author of the upcoming cookbook… Read more Audio
The Panel with Ruwani Perera and Steve McCabe (Pt 1)
4:00 PM.Panellists Ruwani Perera and Steve McCabe discuss a planned trip to the United Nations climate conference, email etiquette, and New Zealand missing from a ranking of the world's best cities. Read more Audio
The Panel with Ruwani Perera and Steve McCabe (Pt 2)
4:30 PM.Panellists Ruwani Perera and Steve McCabe discuss whether the Government needs to crack down more on wage subsidy fraud, and a Judge dismissing Oranga Tamariki's bid to remove a Maori girl from a… Read more Audio