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The Panel for Tuesday 14 September 2021
Pre-panel with Lana Searle and Chris Finlayson
3:45 PM.Panellists Lana Searle and Chris Finlayson share what they've been thinking about and discuss freedom camping problems in the beachside community of Southshore with Coastal Ward Community Board Member… Read more Audio
The Panel with Lana Searle and Chris Finlayson, part 1.
4:08 PM.Panellists Lana Searle and Chris Finlayson discuss whether the school holidays should be moved because of Covid, and whether reduced speed limits in Auckland are working. Read more Audio
The Panel with Lana Searle and Chris Finlayson, part 2.
4:32 PM.Panellists Lana Searle and Chris Finlayson discuss name suppression for 'the Wanaka couple', greenhouse gas emissions and New Zealand's meat market, and why TV can shrink your brain. Read more Audio