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The Panel for Tuesday 5 April 2022
The Pre-Panel with Sue Kedgley and Andrew Hoggard
3:45 PM.Panellists Andrew Hoggard and Sue Kedgley discuss NZ's first female lawyer Ethel Benjamin, anonymous trolls behind fake media accounts, and Andrew Hoggard getting stood on by a large cow. Audio
The Panel with Sue Kedgley and Andrew Hoggard (Part 1)
4:10 PM.Panellists Sue Kedgley and Andrew Hoggard discuss the climate crises, seatbelt safety and the popularity of feijoas in NZ. Audio
The Panel with Sue Kedgley and Andrew Hoggard (Part 2)
4:30 PM.Panellists Sue Kedgley and Andrew Hoggard discuss the housing crisis, property tax, lava lamps and the listener poll results on nuclear power. Audio