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The Panel for Thursday 30 June 2022
The Pre-Panel with Ruth Money and Chris Clarke
3:45 PM.Wallace and Panellists Ruth Money and Chris Clarke look at how the Karangahape Business Association is responding to negative online reviews left for local businesses. Plus, our panellists tell us… Read more Audio
The Panel with Ruth Money and Chris Clarke (Part One)
4:06 PM.In Part One of The Panel, Wallace along with Chris Clarke and Ruth Money, talk about the proposal for a new medical school in the Waikato, the Prime Minister's three minute speech at NATO and… Read more Audio
The Panel with Ruth Money and Chris Clarke (Part 2)
4:30 PM.In Part Two of the Panel, Wallace and panellists discuss the petition to ban single use plastic bottles, the Women's Employment Action Plan and how to mitigate fire hazards. Audio