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The Panel for Thursday 6 July 2023
The Pre-Panel with Sue Kedgley and Nick Leggett
3:45 PM.Guyon Espiner and panellists Nick Leggett and Sue Kedgley discuss what may be the most expensive car theft in New Zealand history. Read more Audio
The Panel with Nick Leggett and Sue Kedgley (Part 1)
4:07 PM.Today on The Panel, Guyon Espiner and panellists Nick Leggett and Sue Kedgley discuss National's promise to introduce a third medical school at Waikato University and the fighting culture that may… Read more Audio
The Panel with Nick Leggett and Sue Kedgley (Part 2)
4:30 PM.Today on The Panel, Guyon Espiner and panellists Nick Leggett and Sue Kedgley discuss research that aims to improve our childrens' sleeping habits, $35.5 million in unclaimed Lotto winnings and a… Read more Audio