The Panel with Mihingarangi Forbes and Gary McCormick (Part 1)
The National Party leader Simon Bridges and others are calling for a little less conversation and a little more action from the government. According to one estimation $55M is being spent on reviews, inquiries and working groups. The governemnt disputes this, saying the figure is $34M. Still. The opposition housing spokesperson Judith Collins says allowing drug-users to stay in Housing NZ houses sends the wrong message. Is she right? Where would they go? We ask the Salvation Army's Lynette Hutson what the best way to handle these situations is. As parliament installs a playground, playgrounds in South Auckland are going to rack and ruin. A listener says South Auckland is being allowed to degenerate into an unsafe place to live as the Auckland Council turns a blind eye to the area's needs. The chair of the Papakura Local Board Brent Catchpole discusses his ward and the challenges it's facing.