The Panel with Jo McCarroll and Mike Rehu (Part 2)
Out of bed at 8:15, spend three hours outdoors, wait until 9am for your first coffee. This is just part of the prescription for a "perfect day" in an American study. It's topped-off by spending four hours with family, three hours watching TV and off to bed at 10:50pm. What the panelists Jo McCarroll and Mike Rehu want to talk about. The Department of Conservation followed the law to the letter about importation of ivory which culminated in ivory being stripped-off the keys of an antique piano. Dr Julian Paton and his family emigrated to New Zealand last September with the 1895 instrument but once it arrived in the country it was found that the correct paperwork hadn't been completed. Dr Paton says DoC threatened to destroy the heirloom if he didn't pay the costs of stripping the ivory. There's a recommendation that the city of Austin in Texas change its name. This is because the man behind the name Stephen F Austin was an enthusiastic slave-owner. It seems the name won't be changed, but street names may - Confederate Avenue, Dixie Drive and there are a lot of streets in Austin named after a slave owner named William Barton. Is changing names whitewashing history? You might not get the backing of your bank if you're the victim of an on-line hack that loses you money. New protocols introduced this year mean banks don't have to reimburse customers who are the victims of crime if the customer hasn't followed the bank's terms and condiotions properly. Banking expert David Tripe of Massey University explains if it's as bad as it sounds and what the changes really mean.