24 Sep 2018

The Panel with Chris Gallavin and Sally Wenley (Part 1)

From The Panel, 4:03 pm on 24 September 2018

Will you be buying Australian strawberries anytime soon? Countdown has removed Aussie strawberries from its shelves after a needle was found in some here. It's being branded as "food terrorism". The principal of Hamilton's Fraser High School had a bit of a revolt on her hands this morning with some students reacting to a dire warning she delivered about the folly of truancy. Virginia Crawford told the school last Thursday that that the statistics weren't good for truants. Some of the teens welcomed the sobering warning others took offense. The principal of Auckland's Massey Hugh School Glen Denham talks about the battle against truancy and whether he empathises with Virginia Crawford's tactics. Victoria University will be re-named the University of Wellington after a clear majority vote of 9-2 by the University Council. Gynn Compton who organised a petiton against the name change talks about why he thinks this is a terrible idea. Bus drivers being beaten and children as young as 10 chanting Black Power slogans are among the reasons why the public bus service has suspended its Fordlands route.