The Panel with Jacquie Nairn and Hayden Donnnell (Part 2)
What is the kiwiw way of life? There's a theme going around about the Academy Awards this year. Observations made about how it's not the best movies that actually win the Oscars. Why is this? We ask entertainment reporter Kate Rodger if that's just perception. The Santa Parade won't be going down without a fight. It's got at least one councillor on its side - Cathy Casey says the $45k doled out by ATEEDS is nothing compared to what they fork-out for the Americas Cup. Does ATEED need to provide more for ratepayers and their children? Sweden's National Organisation for Women's Shelters is calling for sex robots to be banned. They say they dehumanise women, they encourage men to treat women's bodies as objects and unlike real women they are not programmed with the ability to say 'no'. A Southland cat lover says the local council has kept mum about changes to cat rules in the region. Proposed new rules will require all cats in Omaui to be neutered and registered within 6 months and it would see a ban on new cats in the area.